Imagine a bulldozer.
Imagine that bulldozer is headed towards a kind of home,
a home that you were building collectively
with like-minded peers, mentors, and friends.

Imagine there are many proud people on that bulldozer,
and they are having a party.
They are very mirthful, and are making rude faces
at you as you stand, alone for now, at a considerable distance.

This structure they are headed towards–it is a kind of dream.

It is a dream that you have worked on and made sacrifices for.
It is a difficult dream to communicate to others
      (even those who have been working on its construction
       struggle to communicate its form)
but through great effort, consensus has been made
on a vague, inchoate outline.

You look down at your shirt:
you are wearing a kind of soccer jersey...

you look at the bulldozer, there is someone
          celebrating conspicuously
                      wearing a jersey that matches yours...

but theirs is made of a finer fiber,
a material more expensive and fashionable,
a material that signifies superiority.

What is going on? You ask yourself.
I thought we were supposed to be on the same team?
And if we are, who am I?